The Amazing Goan Dessert Bebinca

As we were packing our bags for Goa, a friend insisted that we bring her Bebinca from Goa as a souvenir. Bebinca? I asked. Haven’t heard that name ever. She explained that it is the most famous of Goan deserts.
So we inquired at many local bakeries in Goa if they are carrying Bebinca. Sadly, all replied that it is a desert that they especially make for Christmas (and Christmas was still weeks away at that time). Luckily, on our very last day, we got our hands on this prized possession.
Bebinca is a layered cake with as many as 16 layers. It is the kind of desert that is simplistic – the ingredients are a few basic ones and even its taste has nothing too overwhelming. But because of this very simplicity, it is the kind of desert that you can eat a lot (without realizing that you’ve eaten it a lot) . You know what I am trying to get at?!
Well, I loved it and so did my husband. So much so, Bebinca is on my top priority cooking list now!