Gift It! Card It! Bookmark It!

Gift It! Card It! Bookmark It!

There were a lot of events that led up to this project. Teachers’ Day is around the corner, so Little B wanted to make something for her darling teacher at school. I was toying with the idea of making handmade business cards for myself. And 

Can You Skate, Can you Roll?

Can You Skate, Can you Roll?

This is about the time when I really really really wanted Little B to learn skating but I didn’t have a clue about it myself. I tried so very hard to put her in a skating class, but just couldn’t find any near my place. 

Why Did I Teach My Daughter Rachel Platten’s Fight Song?

Why Did I Teach My Daughter Rachel Platten’s Fight Song?

Reblogged from I Don’t Like Teaching Moral Lessons, There I Said It at I hate teaching any sort of moral lesson to my daughter. I absolutely don’t see any purpose that moral lessons can serve in the life of a 4-year-old child. My problem 

What’s On Our Mind These Days? June Bugs!

What’s On Our Mind These Days? June Bugs!

Do insects repel you? Well, see A Bug’s Life and you will change your mind. My daughter has already fallen in love with them. She finds them beautiful. Being just 4 years old, she doesn’t yet get the feeling of yuck or disgust that we grownups 

Wobbly Bouncy Egg Experiment – Discovering Science At Home

Wobbly Bouncy Egg Experiment – Discovering Science At Home

I was a science student and yet science never excited me. I did not care what is reacting or what is transforming, for me it was all ‘school work’ and nothing more. However, ever since Little B has started tugging me with her constant “why,” 

DIY Cash Register Toy For Grocery Store Pretend Play

DIY Cash Register Toy For Grocery Store Pretend Play

Wonder why kids want to buy so many toys? It is not because they just want to hoard stuff. It is because they genuinely like a lot of things. Don’t tell them “you already have this at home” because for them a red rocket is 

Weekly Nature Walks – We Are Off to Find Treasures!

Weekly Nature Walks – We Are Off to Find Treasures!

We all know how much children like collecting trash! Well, do you know this trash collection can be a great way to teach them to love mother nature!

Little B’s How To Train Your Dragon Birthday Party – Happy 4th!

Little B’s How To Train Your Dragon Birthday Party – Happy 4th!

I know I should have written this post about 3 months back but then you wouldn’t know how lazy I am, right? There are happy days all around the year – my birthday, my anniversary, this day and that day. However, it seems that it 

Lessons in Parenting and Raising Entrepreneurs From ‘Losing My Virginity’

Lessons in Parenting and Raising Entrepreneurs From ‘Losing My Virginity’

I am down and out with flu. My body is bearing the brunt of the obvious, and yet, my mind is free to do what it pleases. So I read the book that has been lying on my shelf for a week now – ‘Losing 

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Pirate Ship Out Of the Cheapest Material Ever (Psst. It’s Newspaper)

Pirate Ship Out Of the Cheapest Material Ever (Psst. It’s Newspaper)

It was Little B’s Dussehra vacation time last year. With almost two weeks of holidays to pass, we were getting bored. I started looking for projects that can consume at least a few of these days, the more the better. Somehow I ended up getting inspired to do this newspaper pirate ship activity for kids with her.