Happy Father’s Day Everybody! And Happy International Yoga Day as well!

I love yoga. No I don’t practice it every day. As I have established it a dozen times now, my life goes around in phases. I love something, then I lose interest in it and then I start loving it again and then I lose interest in it again. Nothing else has been perpetual except for my love for Mr B and Little B. Yoga has many a times helped me to stay connected with both of them.
For me, the best thing about yoga is that it is subtle and always leaves you with a better frame of mind. It actually is the union of mind and body. And won’t you say that it is even supposed to be a little serious?
However, when we (I and Mr B) do yoga with Little B, it turns into this crazy fun activity. We try to show her a pose, she tries to show us her own variation of it; and then sometimes Little B will try it or if not anything else, she will just climb on us as we do the cat pose. Frankly speaking, at that moment the only workout we are doing is laughing our hearts out. But who is complaining!
Coming back to Father’s Day – as this year the day coincides with International Yoga Day (June 21), I decided to document the undocumented yet! This is for the first time that I am showing some precious moments on YellowMellowLife that Little B and her Pa (as she lovingly calls Mr B) share together.
Little B and her Pa share a bond like no other. I am her mother but her best friend is her Pa. So much so, she likes pretending that her Pa is her twin as they both throw tantrums, jump on the bed, box and act wild around the house together. Little B’s Pa is her companion in not just good times but in bad times as well. She feels comfortable, calm and in control with him around. Sometimes, I feel kind of jealous because together they share something beautiful which I am not part of. But mostly, I feel proud of you Mr B, for being an incredible father. You truly are a SuperDad! Happy Father’s Day!
These are glimpses from a recent Sunday when Little B and Pa decided to do yoga together –

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