Lessons in Parenting and Raising Entrepreneurs From ‘Losing My Virginity’

Branson’s mother says these words to him after his run with the law. Branson was imprisoned; his mother had to bail him out by putting her own house as security and of course the incident gave Branson a bad reputation for a while. Inspite it all, Branson’s mother did not indulge in any shaming of her son. Rather, she wanted him to chin up and deal with the problem that he was in.
Though this incident happened when Branson was 20-years-old, still I wanted to include it in the list as it is critical in raising entrepreneurs. When our child does something wrong, we either completely brush it under the carpet (that is our way of pampering a child) or shame the child in open (that is our way of disciplining the child). Both approaches are insufficient as mistakes are not only about what the child did but more about what it led to and ensuring that the child cleans up his/her mess.
Children are audacious because they are as Branson puts it, “too young to contemplate failure.” So they will make mistakes. Let them. However, make sure that they undo their mistakes in whichever way and learn from it themselves.
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