Listening to The Weepies All Through The Night

I am a freelancing mother taking care of Little B when she is awake and at home. At the time she is sleeping or in playschool, that’s when I work. Now that she is having her summer vacations, I have my hands full during the day and it is only at night that I am finding time to work.
Of course, working at night means a constant fight to stay awake. I have realized that music helps a lot in this regard. A perfect music piece can help you keep your eyes open. However, I have to ensure that the music is not too engaging or else I will end up getting seriously distracted.
Lucky for me, my latest music discovery is perfect on each count. I am seriously addicted to the album ‘Say I Am You’ by The Weepies. I have been listening to it all through the night, night after night.
The first song that I heard of The Weepies was from the Epic movie soundtrack – Same Changes. I was mesmerized. I remember going on a really long road trip while listening to
…In the magic hour
Lantern petals glow
I walk away
I walk away
But you linger
Light as any flower
You don’t even know
You pick me up
You pick me up
With two fingers…
What could me more magical than that? I felt like falling in love all over again!
Unfortunately, after that I forgot The Weepies for months. Until recently when out of nowhere I thought of them and started listening to songs from their second album ‘Say I Am You.’ Each of the song is a gem. The lyrics are so soft and yet so meaningful.
Be it the insistence in ‘Take It From Me’
What can I compare you to, a favorite pair of shoes?
Maybe my bright red boots if they had wings…
or ‘Gotta Have You,’ the only non-sad breakup song I have ever heard
…No amount of coffee, no amount of crying
No amount of whiskey, no wine
No, no, no, no, no
Nothing else will do
I’ve gotta have you, I’ve gotta have you…
And my favorite ‘Painting by Chagall’
…Sometimes rain that’s needed falls
We float like two lovers in a painting by Chagall…
I listened and I gazed at Marc Chagall’s ‘Lovers Among the Lilacs’ for a really long time.
Isn’t that the kind of impression a music should make?
What about The Weepies distracting me while I work? Well, this is the kind of distraction I won’t ever mind.
Featured image courtesy: Rachel Kramer
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