Do You Want Hugs? Valentine’s Day Hug Card Craft for Kids

Do You Want Hugs? Valentine’s Day Hug Card Craft for Kids

Am I bombarding you with craft projects? Of course I am! But it’s about to be Valentine’s Day and that does mean a lot of craft projects. So please bear! This one’s pretty simple. It is a card that gives big hugs and it is 

A Heart-Filled Box – Valentine’s Day Origami Hearts for Fathers

A Heart-Filled Box – Valentine’s Day Origami Hearts for Fathers

I feel that music is the source of so much inspiration, at least for me. Every time I listen to a new song, a bulb lights up in my head. Really! For example, last year I saw Home and it had a nice soundtrack. One 

Pinkathon Bengaluru 2016 Diary #iamafinisher

Pinkathon Bengaluru 2016 Diary #iamafinisher

I started my year with the resolution to run instead of walking. Pinkathon Bengaluru 2016 was my first chance to do that and here’s how it happened on 31st January. That day was a crazy day. Nope, it was not just “crazy.” It was crazier 

Digging Through My 2015 Memory Jar and How Can You Make One Too!

Digging Through My 2015 Memory Jar and How Can You Make One Too!

I hope you already know that I am a sucker for the memories. I am the kind who loves talking on and on about things that happened in the past. I am the kind who makes it a point to go through our old photographs 

Toys Are Not For Girls, Toys Are Not For Boys, Toys Are Only Toys

Toys Are Not For Girls, Toys Are Not For Boys, Toys Are Only Toys

(The following article is written exclusively for Kellogg’s Chocos and was originally published at MyCity4Kids. This article is an attempt in breaking gender stereotypes propagated by toys.) Sometimes, I hate being in a toy store. I hate the overly-pink and overly-blue aisles that toy stores 

Thailand Travel Tales – Erawan Shrine, Bangkok

Thailand Travel Tales – Erawan Shrine, Bangkok

Erawan shrine, located in Thailand’s capital Bangkok, came into news last year for unfortunate reasons. A powerful bomb blasted right outside the shrine killing 20 and injuring about 120 others. I left the newsroom years ago but still there is a part of me which 

This is My Revival, It Gives Me Purpose – I’ve Walked and Now I’ll Run

This is My Revival, It Gives Me Purpose – I’ve Walked and Now I’ll Run

When I am writing, I am writing. When I am not writing, I am either sorting pictures or running anti-virus on my blog or any other similar kind of stuff. That’s when I like plugging my headphones and listening to some sort of music chart. 

YellowMellowLife’s 2015 Top 15 Activities to Do With Kids

YellowMellowLife’s 2015 Top 15 Activities to Do With Kids

2015 has challenged the mother inside me like never before. Surely the past had “terrible twos” and “troublesome threes.” They were loud and draining, but they were always manageable. Little B always came through as a child who understands logic and reasoning. Up until 2015, 

Saturday Brunch at JW Marriott Bengaluru

Saturday Brunch at JW Marriott Bengaluru

You know Mr B and I are a little weird, right? Most people prefer eating out for dinner. We prefer eating out for breakfast. It happens so very times on weekends when we just wake up late, have a cup of milk (yeah another thing 

Happy Vegetarian Thanksgiving With A Fantastic Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe

Happy Vegetarian Thanksgiving With A Fantastic Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe

Thanksgiving is not a festival I grew up celebrating. To tell you frankly, for most of my life, I didn’t even know it existed. However, 2008 was an extremely special year for me. It is when I got married. I know it is very un-feminist