Speaking From The Heart on Mother’s Day

Speaking From The Heart on Mother’s Day

I decided that for this Mother’s Day I would want to give mothers a space, a space to just talk about their daughters and their life as a mother and just general mother talk.

Yellow Mellow Life and Jabong.com – Celebrating Mother’s Day Together!

Yellow Mellow Life and Jabong.com – Celebrating Mother’s Day Together!

Yeah, it’s happening! Yellow Mellow Life and Jabong.com have decided to pamper all you amazing mothers out there! We are giving out gift vouchers worth Rs 500 each to two of our blog readers. All you have to do is follow steps 1, 2 and 3!

Eggs in Purgatory – When I Make a Wow Breakfast in a Jiffy

Eggs in Purgatory – When I Make a Wow Breakfast in a Jiffy

Eggs are my favorite kind of breakfast. They are so amazing. I can just do anything with them – boil, bake, cook, roast, basically whatever – they will come out scrumptious all the same. And best part is that they cook in a snap. That 

What’s On Our Mind These Days? June Bugs!

What’s On Our Mind These Days? June Bugs!

Do insects repel you? Well, see A Bug’s Life and you will change your mind. My daughter has already fallen in love with them. She finds them beautiful. Being just 4 years old, she doesn’t yet get the feeling of yuck or disgust that we grownups 

Wobbly Bouncy Egg Experiment – Discovering Science At Home

Wobbly Bouncy Egg Experiment – Discovering Science At Home

I was a science student and yet science never excited me. I did not care what is reacting or what is transforming, for me it was all ‘school work’ and nothing more. However, ever since Little B has started tugging me with her constant “why,” 

DIY Cash Register Toy For Grocery Store Pretend Play

DIY Cash Register Toy For Grocery Store Pretend Play

Wonder why kids want to buy so many toys? It is not because they just want to hoard stuff. It is because they genuinely like a lot of things. Don’t tell them “you already have this at home” because for them a red rocket is 

Scrapbooking-Inspired Easiest DIY Phone Case

Scrapbooking-Inspired Easiest DIY Phone Case

Isn’t DIY fun! You take some scraps of paper and tear them or glue them or paint them and then what you get at the end of it all is something amazing. ‘Amazing’ not necessarily because the end product is extraordinary. ‘Amazing’ because it is 

That’s A Big Honor!

That’s A Big Honor!

About a week ago, I found this mail in my inbox from MyCity4Kids, Imagine my delight! My relationship with mycity4kids is new and yet the amount of love I have found here is beyond words. They have become a perfect medium for me to express my 

Weekly Nature Walks – We Are Off to Find Treasures!

Weekly Nature Walks – We Are Off to Find Treasures!

We all know how much children like collecting trash! Well, do you know this trash collection can be a great way to teach them to love mother nature!

Little B’s How To Train Your Dragon Birthday Party – Happy 4th!

Little B’s How To Train Your Dragon Birthday Party – Happy 4th!

I know I should have written this post about 3 months back but then you wouldn’t know how lazy I am, right? There are happy days all around the year – my birthday, my anniversary, this day and that day. However, it seems that it