Recycling Old Jeans into New Shorts – DIY Trendy Shorts

One of my big time guilty pleasures is watching Youtubers. I know it is not something that I should be proud of, but it is what it is. Most of them may be shallow, but some of them are actually real, some of them are actually hilarious and some of them are actually creative.
A few I have watched for over the years now and I still find their videos interesting. I have seen them growing in front of my eyes it seems – boys I have seen getting married, girls I have seen bearing children.
Woah! Seems like I am taking a trip in a kooky and absolutely off-center memory lane. So let me stop myself right here and come back to the point.
The point is that I was watching Bethany Mota recycle a pair of jeans and make a cool shorts out of them. That got me inspired. And what better way to get started than try my hands on an old pair of Little B’s jeans!
DIY – Recycling Old Jeans Into New Shorts
What You Need
An old pair of jeans
Pair of scissors
Lace or piping (from an old dress) or neatly folded fabric strip
Needle-Thread or Sewing machine or (the easiest of them all) fabric glue
How to Go About It
Wear your jeans and either mark or mentally note as to what length of shorts you are looking for.
Neatly fold the pair of jeans like this. Ensure that seams overlap cleanly as you fold.
According to your shorts length requirement, mark the jeans with with either a chalk or a pencil (anything which isn’t permanent and can be washed). Draw a straight line at an angle like this
Now neatly cut the upper leg along the marked line.
Cut the other jeans leg as well as per the same cut. As you open the jeans, that is what it should look like.
Now take your lace or piping. I took this nicely folded fabric strips that I had cut from an old shirt.
Turn your cut shorts inside out and sew the lace/piping on it accordingly. I am taking for granted here that you understand the basics of stitching a little bit.
I used fabric glue for sticking the pieces. Isn’t fabric glue one of the best inventions for DIYs?! When using fabric glue, follow instructions written on the back of the glue bottle.
Low and behold, the end product
Frankly speaking, these are the cutest shorts that I have ever seen. Little B loves them. When she wears them, she receives compliments and mothers ask me as to where I have brought them!
Bethany Mota’s You Tube Tutorial