Scrapbooking-Inspired Easiest DIY Phone Case

Scrapbooking-Inspired Easiest DIY Phone Case

Isn’t DIY fun!

You take some scraps of paper and tear them or glue them or paint them and then what you get at the end of it all is something amazing. ‘Amazing’ not necessarily because the end product is extraordinary. ‘Amazing’ because it is something tangible that you can hold up and be proud of.

I have dedicated by phone case exclusively to my DIY craze. I would have a phone cover no other way but my way. For the last few months I was carrying my phone in the ‘rainbow and sequins phone case.’ The old case got old and so I decided to make myself another DIY phone cover.

Easiest Phone Case DIY

Like it? Here’s how to do it –

Scrapbooking Inspired Easiest DIY Phone Case

Things You Would Need

Clear phone case

Scrapbook paper

X-Acto knife

How To Go About It

Trace the outline of your phone over the scrapbook paper you are using. Also mark the camera spot. Marking the exact spot of camera is the one and only tricky thing in this DIY.

Cut out the traced scrapbook paper with the X-Acto knife.

Fix the cut out inside your phone case.

Put your phone in the case!

You don’t have to glue the scrapbook paper to the case because the phone itself will keep the paper at its place.

Easiest Phone Case DIY

P.S. This DIY works on all phones and not just on iPhone.

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