Starstruck! Happy! Motivated!

Starstruck! Happy! Motivated!

So it was just another Tuesday evening. I was doing whatever it is that I do on Tuesday evenings. It was then that I saw this.

sorted 5

Sorted ‘like’d my post on Ratatouille! And if that wasn’t enough, they commented on my post as well. I feel elated – Sorted sorts through hundreds of posts and finds mine. What are the odds!

So I shouted and told Mr B “listen Sorted has commented on my post.” He gives me a smile in return. Just a smile? I tell him that this news deserves a reaction much bigger than a mere smile. May be he doesn’t know how huge is Sorted, so I try to give him a little perspective. I tell him, “it is like Jamie Oliver commenting on my blog post, how exciting would that be.” And he is still like “no girl, Sorted’s no Jamie Oliver.” May be they are not. But Jamie Oliver invited Sorted’s guys to cook in his kitchen, so that means something!

Wow! Thanks Sorted. I am so happy with your comment. You make me feel like a blogger! (as if I wasn’t one already)



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