Twig and Ribbon Tree Christmas Ornament | #25DaysofOrnaments | Christmas Project 2017

It is that time of the year again, can you feel it? The temperature is staying in single digits, the craving for hot drinks is constant and I can no longer afford to step out of the house without a winter cap (even if it makes my head look like an egg).
Yes it is that time of the year again, it is winters. And as much as I hate bulking up on layers, I absolutely love winters. I hated the season in Delhi, we had an open-plan house so there was no way to completely shut the chill coming inside the house. Resources were limited and that meant that not every room will have a heater working at all times.
It was snow in Chicago that made me like winter. And when LittleB was born in a peak snow storm, I knew I was in for a lifelong love affair with the season. Even though winters in Bangalore are just a sham and it doesn’t snow like Chicago in London, my fondness for the season hasn’t faded even a bit.
My favourite activity to do in winters is to decorate the house. Mostly because December is LittleB’s birthday month and also because it is the month of Christmas. I love putting out Christmas decorations in the beginning of December itself and then letting them hang in there for as long as maybe even February. So every time I feel gloomy and cold in winters, I just have to look around the decorations my house and I’m cheered up instantly.
I was planning to make some handmade ornaments for this year’s Christmas tree when a challenge crossed my mind. Can I keep making one ornament each day from 1st of December all the way to Christmas? That meant making at least 25 different handmade Christmas tree ornaments. Can I do it? May be I can. What do you think?
I wouldn’t know if I wouldn’t try. So here am I giving it a try. Since today is 1st of December, here is the first in the series – a Twig and Ribbon Tree Christmas Ornament.
Making it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes and you should be able to find the materials lying around your house, or may be around your backyard. The ornament is made from twig because I hoarded aplenty from my nearby park. Make it as colourful or as ‘Christmas’y you want. I went for a bit rustic.
Twig and Ribbon Tree Christmas Ornament
You Will Need
1 twig (9 cm long. Also make sure that it isn’t thick.)
8-10 ribbon strips (17 cm long. In case you don’t have ribbon, you can cut scraps out of fabric and use them as strips for this Christmas craft)
Some twine (twine is used to hang the ornament on the tree so its length depends on you)
Hot glue gun (if you don’t have one, buy one. It is totally worth the price. There are places you can find glue guns for affordable prices, for example at Itsy Bitsy in India and at Flying Tiger in the UK)
How to Go About It
Take the twig and knot the ribbon over it. You do not want the ribbon to open so flip the twig and give the ribbon another knot at the back. So one knot it the front, flip it over and then another know in the back. I have linked a video below to show how exactly I did it.
Keep tying more ribbons similarly. Tie them close to each other and keep bunching them up as you tie them.
Stop when you feel that you’ve filled the twig according to your preference. You can fill it completely end to end. I decided to leave a little space at the top and the bottom.
Trim the ribbons in the shape of a Christmas tree, i.e. /\. The ribbons at the top will be the shortest and the ones at the bottom will be the longest.
Take a twine piece, fold it and hot glue it over your twig to make a loop.
All done!
How easy was that! If you need a little demonstration, here’s a quick video tutorial for this handmade Christmas tree ornament –
Twig and Ribbon Tree Christmas Ornament Video Tutorial
If you try this craft at home, please do share your pics with me and let me know in the comments down below. I love to see your version of the craft. If there is an ornament that you want me to try making, let me know that as well.
If you love winters, Christmas and craft as much as I do, subscribe here to get fresh tutorials in your inbox all through 25th of December –
For Christmas chocolate recipe that you can customize according to your taste buds, read Making Your Own Chocolate Bark Candy and Bringing in Yuletide
Awesome it is. How can you be so creative and thoughtful
It is just your perspective Somali! I am grateful that I have people like you in my life!