What’s On Our Mind These Days? June Bugs!

Do insects repel you? Well, see A Bug’s Life and you will change your mind. My daughter has already fallen in love with them. She finds them beautiful. Being just 4 years old, she doesn’t yet get the feeling of yuck or disgust that we grownups usually do. For her, insects are miniature beings and they crawl and that’s amazing in itself.
We stay in Bengaluru and for the last few weeks we see a lot of dead beetles all over the pathways in the morning. Have you noticed that too?
For the initial few days, we ignored them. However, Little B (my daughter) started getting concerned and even worried as to what’s making these lovely beetles die every night. We did a little research over the web and this is what we were able to find out about this beetle –
My Name – Scarab beetle, popularly known as May beetles, June beetles and June bugs.
What do I eat? – I like munching on leaves of trees and bushes.
Why am I called May beetle or June bug? – I and my friends swarm out together in great numbers in summers and that’s why we are called May or June beetles.
What do I do during daytime? – I hide in trees during daytime.
What do I do during nighttime? – I come alive during nighttime. I come out of my hiding and feed on leaves. I fly though I am a little clumsy at that. And yeah I love chasing lights during nighttime.
How come you see us June bugs dead in the morning? As I mentioned earlier, we June bugs love chasing lights during nighttime. We go crazy at the sight of light and so we try flying around or sitting on the source of light. This long exposure to light kills us, just like moths. Therefore, you will notice us dead around light sources like porch lights or lamp posts.
Read more about me here.